
Advanced Fluidics and Nano Technology Laboratory

Total 16건 1 페이지
  • 2Ph. D Graduate Students

  • Dr. Hernando, Efrain Leon Rodriguez

    2Ph. D Graduate Students
    Research Interest
    Microfluidics devices for passive and/or active applications in human healthcare monitoring & sickness detection

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering

    London South Bank University, London, UK08/2009

    Ph.D. in Robotics for Non-Destructive Testing

    Pedagogical and Technological University, Duitama, Colombia06/1998

    B.S. in Electrical-Mechanical Engineering
  • Mr. Wang, Min Liang

    2Ph. D Graduate Students
    Research Interest
    Thermal-load based Conformal Cooling Technology by Topology Optimization

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Koreapresent

    M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Wenzhou University, Zhejiang, China 09/2020

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    [2] M. L. Wang, L. J. Zheng and H. W. Kang, " 3-Dimenional conformal cooling channel design: Origami-inspired topology optimization approach," Building and Environment, Applied Thermal Engineering, 242, 122526, 2024. 

    [1] M. L. Wang, L. J. Zheng, S. Bae, H. W. Kang, Comprehensive performance enhancement of Conformal cooling process using thermal-load-based topology optimization. Applied Thermal Engineering. 120332, 2023. 


    [3] M. L. Wang, H. W. Kang, Cooling Channel Design for Injection Molding via 2D Multi-Objective Topology Optimization – A Study on Spherical castings, Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluid Engineering Division, Seoul, Korea, May 17-19, 2023. 

    [2] M. L. Wang, H. W. Kang, Implementation of Thermal-load based Multiphysics Topology Optimization in 3D Conformal Cooling Channel Design Procedure using Pseudo-density Method, The Korean Society of Visualization, Incheon, Korea, May 19-20, 2022. 

    [1] M. L. Wang, D. H. Kang, N. K. Kim, H. W. KangA Study of Optimal Cooling Channel Layouts with Lower Pressure Drop and Higher Thermal Dissipation in Injection Molding process via Thermal-load based Topology Optimization, The Korean Society of Visualization, Incheon, Korea, May 19-20, 2022.

  • Mr. Cho, Woo Young

    2Ph. D Graduate Students
    Research Interest
    Air-conditioning Optimization Technology for Livestock Barn using Artificial Intelligence Technology

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea08/2020

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    [2] W. Y. Cho, K. W. Kim, H. W. Kang "Analysis of Mechanical Ventilation System Characteristics for Gaseous Materials Reduction in Livestock Building," The Korean Society of Visualization, Daejeon, Korea, Dec 1-2, 2022.

    [1] W. Y. Cho, H. W. Kang, Airflow Control in Dairy Cattle Building for Gaseous Material Reduction, The 12th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, Changwon, Korea, June 22-24, 2022.

  • 3Master Graduate Students

  • Mr. Gao, Kewei

    3Master Graduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Wenzhou University, Zhejiang, China09/2022

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mr. Jin, Hongdi

    3Master Graduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Wenzhou University, Zhejiang, China09/2023

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mr. Mao, Congyu

    3Master Graduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Wenzhou University, Zhejiang, China09/2023

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mr. Kang, Hyun Uk

    3Master Graduate Students
    Research Interest
    Optimization Technology for Uniformity of Internal Flow and Evaluation of Building Air Change Rate

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea02/2016

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    [6] H. U. Kang, Discussion of In-site Maintenance and Repairing of Nuclear Air Cleaning Unit, Korea Electric Power Industry Code Week, Jeju, Korea, July 13-16, 2022.

    [5] H. U. Kang, S.H. Kang, K.R. Grot, P.L. Lagus, Inleakage Testing at Six South Korean Nuclear Power Plants, The 36th International Society for Nuclear Air Treatment Technologies, Salt Lake City, U. S. A, June 28-29, 2022.

    [4] H. U. Kang, Comparison of Test Equipments according to MHD TA 4950, Korea Electric Power Industry Code Week, Jeongseon, Korea, October 26-29, 2021.

    [3] H. U. Kang, Technology to Prevent the Spread of Indoor Infections Diseases in the Air, The 12th International Climate & Environment Fair, Gwangju, Korea, August 25-27, 2021.

    [2] H. U. Kang, Discussion of Test Result about Sampling Nozzle accroding to NRB 6000, Korea Electric Power Industry Code Week, Jeongseon, Korea, August 27-30, 2019.

    [1] H. U. Kang, Evaluation Method of Sampling Nozzle accroding to NRB 6000, Korea Electric Power Industry Code Week, Busan, Korea, August 28-31, 2018.

  • 4Undergraduate Students

  • Ms. Ryu, Hyun Ji

    4Undergraduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    B.S. in Chemical Engineering
  • Mr. Noh, Se Jong

    4Undergraduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mr. Lee, Seong Ho

    4Undergraduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • Ms. Lee, Juwon

    4Undergraduate Students

    Chonnam National University, Gwangju, KoreaPresent

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
  • 5Alumni

  • Dr. Kang, Dong Hee


    curruntly at Texas A&M
    Ph. D. Chonnam Natl. Univ., ME 2022
  • Ms. Kim, Na Kyong


    curruntly at KATECH
    Ph. D. Chonnam Natl. Univ., ME 2023.08
  • Mr. Zheng, Liangjun


    curruntly at Hangzhou Dianzi Univ.
    Ph. D. Chonnam Natl. Univ., ME 2023
  • Mr. Kim, Byeong Wook


    curruntly at LS Mtron Ltd.
    M.S. Chonnam Natl. Univ., ME 2023
  • Mr. Yang, Won Seok

